Does Each Body Paragraph Of An Essay Need To Tell The Topic Of The Paragraph
Thursday, August 27, 2020
cold war :: essays research papers
In 1949 the virus war spread from Europe to Asia, influencing everybody in its way. China, Japan, and Vietnam were three nations influenced by the Cold War. Out of these three nations China was the nations that was influenced the most.      The motivation behind why China was influenced the most is on the grounds that its administration, economy, and society were completely influenced by the Cold War. Chinas government was affected in light of the fact that it transformed from a Nationalist government, that was bolstered by the United States, to a socialist government, know as the Peoples Republic Of China. Because of the assistance of the Soviet Union China had the option to extend its economy to exploit the nations regular rescores. China nationalized all industry and set up a five-year intend to expand the yield of coal and steel. To help increment farming China assumed responsibility for land out of the hands of landowners and under the control of workers, the Chinese government additionally urged laborers to join their territory and structure cooperatives. Most likely the greatest impact of the Cold War was equivalent rights for ladies, this implied ladies were relied upon to work close by men, the n ation even ventured to set up nurseries to deal with the youngsters who were currently without a housewife. The Japanese government additionally offered equity to ladies.      In the 1950’s Japan and the United States of America became not foes, yet partners. Japan really prospered during the timeframe, which it was involved by the USA; during this timespan Japan modernized a gigantic sum. The principle way that Japan turned out to be progressively present day was the way that the USA helped Japan fabricate current assembling plants. Since these plants were amazingly present day they had the option to out produce the processing plants of the west. In Japan ladies were additionally give lawful fairness. Lawful equity is not the same as real equity in light of the fact that in Japan ladies were regularly accountable for the family funds yet not very many at any point got a montage training or elevated level occupations.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
How British Airways can overcome low profitability and threat of Essay
How British Airways can conquer low productivity and danger of redundancies - Essay Example One of the most significant issues for firms in the carrier business †as additionally in firms in all enterprises overall †is comprehend the requirements of the client and the market patterns. The utilization of inventiveness when building up a firm’s key plans could be especially important towards the improvement of authoritative exhibition. In any case, directors would have the essential abilities so as to utilize inventiveness for the advancement of their firms’ key plans. The utilization of proper strong apparatuses (like Porter’s five powers, SWOT examination or benchmarking) would be recommended to supervisors of all organizations universally particularly under current economic situations †when the advancement of vital favorable circumstances isn't adequate for the improvement of a firm’s position in its market. The extreme changes in business sectors worldwide affected by constant and solid monetary turbulences have been regularly con sidered to communicate an adjustment in the structure/morals of social orders around the world. The carrier business needs to follow the practices received by other modern parts so as to make due in current budgetary emergency.
Friday, August 21, 2020
9 Facebook Marketing Tips That Every Socially Awkward Penguin Should Know
9 Facebook Marketing Tips That Every Socially Awkward Penguin Should Know Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!9 Facebook Marketing Tips That Every Socially Awkward Penguin Should KnowUpdated On 21/06/2015Author : Sunila VermaTopic : FacebookShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogOne month ago, I created a Facebook Page called Minimalist Advertisements where I uploaded clever, witty minimalist ads from all over the web. This page was dedicated to promoting minimalism in advertising through a complete web social media hunt for renowned minimalist campaigns obscure creative copies.However, there was a catch. I strictly kept my posting frequency to only 1-2 posts per day yet I was surprised to realize that following such small practices as tagging my friends having a dialogue with the page fans caused instant spike to my reach. Coupled with the relevant engaging content I managed to get more than 500 likes in a matter of 30 days without spending a penny. 9 Facebook Marketing Tips that every socially awkward penguin should know details what I found along the way in the form of a unique creative infographic, copyrights of which go to the Curious Artist.READ10 Tips To Writing A Perfect Optimized Blog Post
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Sound and the Fury Quotes
The Sound and the Fury is a complex and controversial novel set in the Deep South. Its author, William Faulkner, is considered one of the greatest American writers of the 20th century. The novel is required reading for many high school and college students as an interesting study of humanity. The quotes from the book below have been separated out by chapters for an easy way to get a sense of the storyline and characters. Notice how Faulkner developed his characters further through the use of intentional misspellings and poor punctuation. April Seventh, 1928 Youre not a poor baby. Are you. Are you. Youve got your Caddy. Havent you got your Caddy. Father and Quentin cant hurt you. Carry Maury up the hill, Versh. Versh squatted and I got on his back. They aint no luck on this place. Roskus said. I seen it at first but when they changed his name I knowed it. They aint no luck going be on no place where one of they own chillens name aint never spoke. We watched the muddy bottom of her drawers. You got him started on purpose, because you know Im sick. Caddy held me and I could hear us all, and the darkness, and something I could smell. And then I could see the windows, where the trees were buzzing. Then the dark began to go in smooth, bright shapes, like it always does, even when Caddy says that I have been asleep. June Second, 1910 I give it to you not that you may remember time, but that you might forget it now and then for a moment and not spend all your breath trying to conquer it. Because no battle is ever won he said. They are not even fought. The field only reveals to man his own folly and despair, and victory is an illusion of philosophers and fools. That never had a sister. Because if it were just to hell; if that were all of it. Finished. If things just finished themselves. Nobody else there but her and me. If we could just have done something so dreadful that they would have fled hell except us. I have committed incest I said Father it was I. Its not when you realize that nothing can help youâ€â€religion, pride, anythingâ€â€its when you realize that you dont need any aid. Holding all I used to be sorry about like the new moon holding water. What a sinful waste Dilsey would say. Benjy knew it when Damuddy died. He cried. He smell hit. He smell hit. I didnt mean to speak so sharply but women have no respect for each other for themselves. Father and I protect women from one another from themselves our women. There was something terrible in me sometimes at night I could see it grinning at me I could see it through them grinning at me through their faces its gone now and Im sick. Purity is a negative state and therefore contrary to nature. Its nature is hurting you not Caddy. And maybe when He says Rise the eyes will come floating up too, out of the deep quiet and the sleep, to look on glory. And after a while the flat irons would come floating up. I hid them under the end of the bridge and went back and leaned on the rail. Only you and me then amid the pointing and the horror walled by the clean flame. I could not be a virgin, with so many of them walking along in the shadows and whispering with their soft girl voices lingering in the shadowy places and the words coming out and perfume and eyes you could feel not see, but if it was that simple to do it wouldnt be anything and if it wasnt anything, what was I. Ill tell you how it was it was a crime we did a terrible crime it cannot be hid you think it can but wait. Dont cry Im bad anyway you cant help it. Theres a curse on us its not our fault is it our fault. Listen no good taking it so hard its not your fault kid it would have been some other fellow. I hit him I was still trying to hit him long after he was holding my wrists but I still tried then it was like I was looking at him through a piece of colored glass I could hear my blood. I seemed to be lying neither asleep nor awake looking down a long corridor of gray halflight where all stable things had become shadowy paradoxical all I had done shadows all I had felt suffered taking visible form antic and perverse mocking without relevance inherent themselves. The dungeon was Mother herself she and Father upward into weak light holding hands and us lost somewhere below even them without a ray of light. A fine dead sound we will swap Benjys pasture for a fine dead sound. it was to isolate her out of the loud world so that it would have to flee us of necessity and then the sound of it would be as though it had never been. April Sixth, 1928 Once a bitch always a bitch, what I say. Ask her what became of those checks. You saw her burn one of them, as I remember. Im bad and Im going to hell, and I dont care. Id rather be in hell than anywhere where you are. I never promise a woman anything nor let her know what Im going to give her. Thats the only way to manage them. Always keep them guessing. If you cant think of any other way to surprise them, give them a bust in the jaw. I began to feel sort of funny and so I decided to walk around for a while. Mother was going to fire Dilsey and send Ben to Jackson and take Quentin and go away. Im glad I havent got the sort of conscience Ive got to nurse like a sick puppy all the time. If Im bad, its because I had to be. You made me. I wish I was dead. I wish we were all dead. Sometimes I think she is the judgment of both of them upon me. And just let me have twenty-four hours without any damn New York Jew to advise me what its going to do. I just want an even chance to get my money back. And once Ive done that they can bring all Beale street and all bedlam in here and two of them can sleep in my bed and another one can have my place at my table too. She had been a big woman once but now her skeleton rose, draped loosely in unpadded skin that tightened again upon a paunch almost dropsical, as though muscle and tissue had been courage or fortitude which the days or the years had consumed until only the indomitable skeleton was left rising like a ruin or a landmark above the somnolent and impervious guts. April Eighth, 1928 It was as different as day and dark from his former tone, with a sad, timbrous quality like an alto horn, sinking into their hearts and speaking there again when it had ceased in fading and cumulate echoes. I got de ricklickshun en de blood of de Lamb! I seed de beginnin, en now I sees de endin. harshly recapitulant, seeming to get an actual pleasure out of his outrage and impotence. The sheriff did not appear to be listening at all. Of his niece he did not think at all, nor of the arbitrary valuation of the money. Neither of them had had entity or individuality for him for ten years; together they merely symbolised the job in the bank of which he had been deprived before he ever got it. Caddy! Beller now. Caddy! Caddy! Caddy! There was more than astonishment in it, it was horror; shock; agony eyeless, tongueless; just sound, and Lusters eyes backrolling for a white instant. The broken flower drooped over Bens fist and his eyes were empty and blue and serene again as cornice and faà §ade flowed smoothly once more from left to right, post and tree, window and doorway and signboard each in its ordered place.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
A Report On State Bank Of India - 955 Words
The following are the major findings of the report: 1. It is evident from personal observation and also from the analysis of 5.1,5.2,5.3 and5.4 that: †¢ Almost 95% of the people in Guwahati have their accounts in State Bank of India. This is because everyone has the stereotype that State Bank of India is the best amongst all the banks. †¢ The younger generation people are comfortable in banking with the privatized banks while the elder generation seems to be comfortable with the nationalized banks. †¢ Now a days, it is found that customers are willing to have their accounts in multiple banks rather than having it in one bank. †¢ When asked about the people about which sector they would prefer banking with, the response was a mixed one. As most†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Also other services like statement enquiry, insurance services, mobile and internet banking etc. are also gaining importance day by day and these have to be looked by the banks seriously. 2. It is evident from personal observation and also from the analysis of 5.5.1, 5.5.2, 5.5.3, 5.5.4, 5.5.5 and 5.5.6 that: †¢ The various facilities provided by the banks like availability of information brochures, ATM machines in convenient locations, no long line ups at counters etc. are very important now a days to gain customer satisfaction regarding the banks they are banking with. Also the customers like a pleasant and attractive dà ©cor within the banks so that they can feel relax while doing their important work with the banks. 3. It is evident from personal observation and also from the analysis of 5.6.1, 5.6.2, 5.6.3, 5.6.4, 5.6.5 ,5.6.6 and 5.6.7 that: †¢ The manner, appearance, efficiency, professionalism and knowledge of the staffs of the bank also play an important role in driving customers to their respective banks. The reason is that if the staffs are not able to handle the queries or problems of the staffs then the customers are not tempted to do banking with a particular bank. This may be either with a nationalized or a privatized bank. 4. From personal observation and also from the analysis of 5.7, 5.8.1, 5.8.2, 5.8.3, 5.8.4, we can find that: †¢ Statements that the bank provides are very important for the customers to
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The French Revolution - 1436 Words
Jeremy Sorem Mrs. Blomme Honors I 1 October 2014 The French Revolution In the late eighteenth century one thing was very clear; the world was drastically changing. Inspired by the efforts of the American revolutionist, and fed up with the poverty and injustice, the common people of France made the noble decision to band together and fight for freedom and equality. While this did come eventually, it came with many sacrifices, upwards of 17,000 were executed in a chaotic time known as the reign of terror ( When the French peasants gained equality in 1799 Europe was never the same again (Emerson It showed neighboring countries that liberty is not only obtainable but also is a right that everyone should have, and soon†¦show more content†¦Calonne called for an Estates-General or a meeting of all three social classes to reach an agreement. At this point it is important to state that the three social classes the people of France were divided into were the clergy or powerful people in the Catholic Church, the nobles or the aristocratic families, and the middle class or the common people. At this time in the year of 1789, nearly 98% of France’s population made up the middle class, in spite of this, they could still be out voted by the other two classes(History and Heritage). So during the Estates-General when they decided they wanted the nobles and churches to have to pay a federal tax, the peasants were easily outvoted. This lead to public outcry and created much hostility between classes. But another key factor in the start of the war were the ideals that came with the Enlightenment of this period. The Enlightenment, as well as the Colonist’s victory in the American Revolution, inspired the public with thoughts of what they could be; equal men with economic freedoms. These two causes influenced angry French citizens to revolt and so began the war. The first conflict that marked the beginning of this rebellion was the civilians in Paris storming a large, strategic milit ary fort, the Bastille. They busted its walls and raided the base of weapons and ammunition to aid them in their fight later on. When King Louis returned from a hunting trip to find the Bastille going
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Correlation of Setting and Emotion free essay sample
The Correlation of Setting and Emotion in The Yellow Wallpaper and The Swimmer In both short stories, The Yellow Wallpaper and The Swimmer, the protagonists use the settings to symbolize their emotions and tribulations throughout the story. In The Yellow Wallpaper, Jane was Isolated by her husband In a house, and specifically in a room that brought her to her eventual insanity. In The Needy lives in the suburbs, a place that looks like it has everything figured out but in reality its full of isolation and emptiness. In both stories, the protagonists use their settings to reflect their lives. Its used to show how everything is not as it seems on the outside, and theres Imperfection and darkness behind every seemingly perfect place. As Needy travels through suburbia, he visits different people that he knows In his community and sees the emptiness behind what seems Like a perfect life. We will write a custom essay sample on The Correlation of Setting and Emotion or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Everyone seems to be happy and fulfilled, but in reality their relationships are hallow, and their lives dont have much meaning behind the empty facade of having it all figured out. Everyone seems to be very close, but in reality they dont know much about each other and their relationships are quite impersonal. Needy uses his setting of the superficial preferences of suburbia, to show how bleak and isolated his own life Is. Although he seems happy and fulfilled, hes away from the world and has a very empty being. He purposely disconnects himself from people, and his life doesnt have much depth. In The Yellow Wallpaper, Jane s husband moves her way to a different house so she can get better and come out of what he refuses to believe is depression. It an old house that Jane suggests might have once been an asylum, which is crucial to the use of the setting in this story as it is essentially what leads to her Insanity in the end.She is Isolated In this house, even more specifically In a room, and Isnt allowed out much. Although Its supposed to help her get better, it actually puts her deeper Into her madness, and leads to her eventual break down at the end. She becomes consumed by the wallpaper in the room and reflects her infotainment onto a woman that she thinks is trapped in the wallpaper. When she frees the woman, she feels like she is freed too, when in reality she has just hit rock bottom.The story is also set in a time where women were frequently oppressed by men, as shown by Jane who Is constantly belittled by her husband. In both short stories, the setting Is used to show the situation that the protagonists are In. They are similar in that the setting corresponds with their lives, but they differ in the way they do that. Needy uses the setting to symbolize the correlation between suburban fife and his life and how superficial and empty they are.Canes setting not only contributes to her sickness, but she also reflects her sickness onto the setting when it comes to the wallpaper in the room that she is confined to. The main characters in reflect what the characters go through during the story. Jane goes insane from being trapped in the room in the house that the story is set in. Much like the suburban area that Needy travels through, he is superficially happy, but in reality his life doesnt have much depth. In both stories, the protagonists situations are reflected through the setting.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce
The perception of time and motion are changed in Farquhar’s head. Farquhar sees that he has escaped the hanging and tries to reach his home. It seems that waiting several minutes for his death, the reality and his imagination play a trick with him and he appear at home. The desire to see a wife and a child is so strong that his dream seems to come true. But, the reality is inevitable.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Farquhar agrees with the saying that â€Å"all is fair in love and war†(Bierce 5) in spite of the fact that he believes it to be a â€Å"villainous dictum†(Bierce 5). This phrase seems ironic as having disagreed with the claim he tries to agree with it. The same is with the job as he can do any and becoming a soldier, but only in heart. There are a lot of moments which give a slight guess that e verything is a dream. For example, the opportunity to see the smallest details on a long distance, a chance to see the world as if wheeled slowly round. Moreover, the description seems to be abrupt. Being in one place, the main character appears in another one. The limited third-person point of view appropriate for this story as it helps the reader be unaware about the end. The reader is kept wondered up to the last page of the book. The whole twist ending effect could have been destroyed if the story had been told by the person who was aware of the irregular time sequence. The Secrets of the Living by Sarah Langan The Secrets of the Living by Sarah Langan is an additional story which has been chosen to read. The story takes place in Omaha, Nebraska, but is not the very idea of the plot. The actions in the story take place in Anna’s head, she remembers her life and some specifically important parts of it. The story under discussion mentions a number of character which seen to be main as they appear in Anna’s head not by chance. The whole story is based on Anna’s recollections from her life about her relations with Brendan, her husband Richard and daughter Carole, Dr. Sandstone, her mother and other people the life connected her with. The conflict of the story is laid in the fact that people have something to remember and regret, but at the same time the author asks a number of questions, the main of which is â€Å"Where was her life right now?†(Langan). but no answer is found as â€Å"too many unseen variables†(Langan) exist. I liked the story as it has made me to think about my life.Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Noor Jehan Noor Jehan is a singer, dancer and actress who knows what she means for many people and has an opportunity to show that she deserves attention. Having a lot of fans and admirers, it seems that Noor Jehan has always known what to do in this life. Some people say that she has arrogant nature, but it may be because she worked hard to achieve the position she occupies for now. So, it seems that she has an opportunity to be arrogant. Noor Jehan is not beautiful, but her voice is awesome. Having read her story, it seems that she has lived a good life, she has a husband, beautiful and talented children and she understands that all she has reached is her personal merit. Being accused for fight with Nighat Sultana, Noor stile feels the support of relatives and admirers. Works Cited Bierce, Ambrose. An occurrence at Owl Creek bridge. Charleston: Forgotten Books, 2008. Print. Langan, Sarah. The Secrets of the Living, 2003. Web. This essay on An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce was written and submitted by user Kylee J. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Policy Paper on Oil Conservation
Policy Paper on Oil Conservation Introduction Back in 1973, the country was hit by oil crisis that left all individuals in a quagmire. This was a wake up call for various stakeholders to take necessary action that amounted to imposing National Maximum Speed Limit, down sizing automobile categories and enacting National Energy Acts among other (Juhasz 237). However, it is still evidence that more needs to be done to help arrest the problems of energy in the country.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Policy Paper on Oil Conservation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is because the need for energy not only in the country but globally is growing exponentially calling for a review of the policies in place as well as coming with new ones. Considering the current trend on energy consumption especially from oil, there is need to conserve it or else we risk coming to a stand still in terms of economic growth due to lack of energy. Needs section As suggeste d by Juhasz 42 tremendous increase in human population has an automatic effect on increased amount of energy need. A larger population will need energy for lighting their houses, during construction of new buildings, a larger amount of energy is consumed, and there is increased need for transport among others. All these put pressure on the available energy resources. Unfortunately the problem facing BP since last year has made it a challenge for oil products to be available (Brune 207). The environment has been negatively impacted as a result of the oil spill forcing the company into legal suits where they have parted with lots of money that could have been used to better oil conservation, processing and storage. Political instability in a number of OPEC countries has negatively impacted on availability of oil forcing prices to sky rocket due to short supply. For instance countries such as Egypt and Libya have experienced political instability which has seen to it that oil supply ha s declined. There are studies that have shown that there is a decline in oil reserves. The amount of oil resources underground has been deemed to decline at an alarming rate and in the near future, there will be no more underground reservoirs of oil. It is no doubt that this has been influenced by the raising demand of the energy source (Brune 37). Another area of concern when it comes to oil conservation is the manner with which the rich in the society have absolute control on the resource. In the major countries that are top suppliers of the product, there are a few rich individuals who dictate how the product is to be priced, supplied, transported among other attributes. This negatively influences impact on the consumers. Lastly, oil as a source of energy compared to other sources is heavily depended on. This kind of over-reliance is a threat to it being available in the future (Madison par. 4). Policy section Having in mind that the demand for energy will continue growing; to he lp propel the growth of the economy there is need to come up with steps that will help conserve oil. One major way to do this is to solicit for alternative sources of energy. Despite the fact that 80.0% of transport and industrial sector depend on oil, having in place other sources of energy especially from bio fuel, solar energy, nuclear and more so the renewable sources is called for. This will not only help ease the pressure on oil as a source of energy but also save our environment from carbon emission which depletes the ozone layer (Jochem Dadi 26).Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Although there are areas that can be a challenge to curb energy consumption as a result of increased human population, it can be rational if American would embark to utilize public transport (Hakes 83). Additionally bikes can be used. This proposal has been refuted by some of the American on the grounds that their comfort is interfered with. If adopted, this will cut down on the amount of oil consumed (Madison par. 2). Additionally, policy aimed at encouraging manufacturing of vehicles that are energy efficient as well as those that can use electricity will help in efforts of conserving oil. This can be attained in various ways; for instance government providing the manufacturers with incentives which will in turn make such vehicles cheap and affordable to the citizen (Maass 74). Similarly tax incentives for those who buy these kinds of vehicle will encourage Americans to purchase them. Provision of funds by the government to be invested in areas such as alternative energy sources for instance solar, building more oil storage will go an extra mile in helping conserve oil energy. A part from giving incentives to manufactures of cars to develop energy efficient ones, the funds can also be used in capacity building on how best to conserve energy. Funds can also be pumped in the field of research aimed at coming up with strategies to conserve energy especially from oil. There is also need to preserve the oil resources that are under our water bodies. There is also room for the relevant stakeholders such as suppliers and distributers to adopt most efficient channels of supplying the product. This will help in ensuring that there is no wastage and the products reach the consumers on time. Lastly, Americans need to re-introduce breed reactors (Maass 61). Benefits section According to Jochem Dadi 91 there are a number of benefits associated with the policies brought forth in this paper. One major one is that oil as a source of energy will be made available in the future to continue support the economic growth of the country. It is worth to note that the future generations will also have an opportunity to utilize the same product. Similarly, with other alternative sources of energy such as bio-fuel and solar energy pressure on oil will ease (B rune 121). Additionally, there will be efficient use of energy resources hence minimizing waste. Another advantage of conserving oil is the protection of the environment. With other sources of energy emission of green gas will be minimized hence curbing the concern of global warming. Conclusion From the review of oil conservation, it is evident that there a number of problems such as population increase, war and political instability in countries constituting the OPEC among others.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Policy Paper on Oil Conservation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More With these issues, there is need to come up with policies that will help conserve oil such as encourage use of public transport or using bikes, come up with other alternative sources of energy, government providing funds to help in capacity building and incentive to car manufactures to mention but a few. The benefits of the policy include eff icient energy consumption, conservation of environment and future availability of the resource to the future generation. Brune, Michael. Coming Clean: Breaking Americas Addiction to Oil and Coal. Oxford University: OUP, 2008. Print. Hakes, Jay. A Declaration of Energy Independence: How Freedom from Foreign Oil Can Improve National Security, Our Economy, and the Environment. New York: Wiley Sons, 2008. Print. Jochem, Eberhard Dadi, Zhou. Realizing the Potential of Energy Efficiency: Targets, Policies and Measures for G8 Countries, 2007 Juhasz, Antonia. The Tyranny of Oil: The Worlds Most Powerful Industry- and What We Must Do to Stop It. New York: Sage, 2008. Print. Maass, Peter. Crude World: The Violent Twilight of Oil. New York: Wiley Sons, 2010.Print. Madison, Lucy. As Republicans Push for More Offshore Drilling, Democrats Plan Vote on Repealing Tax Breaks for Oil Companies, 2011 Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More
Saturday, February 22, 2020
How Could Foreign Direct Investment Obtain A Legal Protection in Saudi Dissertation
How Could Foreign Direct Investment Obtain A Legal Protection in Saudi Arabia - Dissertation Example i Arabia 51 3.1 Introduction 51 3.2 FDI Dispute Resolution 52 3.2 The Arbitrability of FDI Related Disputes in Saudi Arabia 53 3.3 Arbitration Law in Saudi Arabia 55 3.4 Conclusion 58 Chapter Four 59 Findings/Conclusion and Recommendations 59 4.1 Findings/Conclusion 59 4.2 Recommendations 62 Bibliography 64 Chapter One/History and Background of the Study I.I. Introduction According to a Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) report, Saudi Arabia continues to lead all GCC states in FDI inflows.2 GCC FDI inflows dropped by 15 % in 2008 as a result of the recent global financial crisis although FDI declines for GCC states were not as steep as other developing economies.3 Therefore trends prior to the global financial crisis of 2008-2009 are more instructive as it reflects a more reliable understanding of independent variables and thus are not impacted by the global financial crisis that impacts all other economies. A report by the United Nations’ organization, the Economic and Social Com mission for Western Asia (ESCWA) in 2008 is therefore more instructive. According to ESCWA FDI inflows in ESCWA states began an â€Å"upward trend†in 2002 with total inflows reaching a â€Å"new record of US$55.6 billion in 2006 an increase over US$10.8 billion three years earlier in 2003.4 The major FDI recipients among ESCWA states are Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Each of these countries made a variety of reforms and made significant investments in infrastructure and by 2006 they attracted 74 percent of all FDI inflows among ESCWA states.5 According to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Saudi Arabia is the world’s tenth largest recipient of FDI inflows attracting US$48 billion dollars in FDI inflows in 2008 and US$36 billion in 2009.6... According to a Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) report, Saudi Arabia continues to lead all GCC states in FDI inflows. GCC FDI inflows dropped by 15 % in 2008 as a result of the recent global financial crisis although FDI declines for GCC states were not as steep as other developing economies. Therefore trends prior to the global financial crisis of 2008-2009 are more instructive as it reflects a more reliable understanding of independent variables and thus are not impacted by the global financial crisis that impacts all other economies. A report by the United Nations’ organization, the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) in 2008 is therefore more instructive. According to ESCWA FDI inflows in ESCWA states began an â€Å"upward trend†in 2002 with total inflows reaching a â€Å"new record of US$55.6 billion in 2006 an increase over US$10.8 billion three years earlier in 2003. The major FDI recipients among ESCWA states are Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Each of these countries made a variety of reforms and made significant investments in infrastructure and by 2006 they attracted 74 percent of all FDI inflows among ESCWA states. According to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Saudi Arabia is the world’s tenth largest recipient of FDI inflows attracting US$48 billion dollars in FDI inflows in 2008 and US$36 billion in 2009. Since the middle of the 1980s a number of countries in the Middle East and North Africa have made a number of reforms aimed at â€Å"improving the fundamental determinants of return on investments†.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Discussion Question wk5 dq2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Discussion Question wk5 dq2 - Assignment Example (Larson, 2010) Interactive marketing on the other hand targets on even a more micro level and focuses on individual customers. Its requires active participation of the customer aswell to engage in the marketing process. Hence is more effective means of communicating and providing information regarding the product. The marketing technique will vary depending upon the type of product. In my opinion I shall use interactive marketing as I would like to build my product as a brand through inclusion of suggestion given by the customers regarding my product. Whereas if direct marketing is chosen , due to the clutter consumers have stopped paying attention to direct marketing approaches due to too much clutter now. The main disadvantage of direct marketing is that people are reluctant that their information may be provided to other advertisers and they’ll get bombarded with promotions and advertisements. Also when your information is in a database there is no way through which you can opt out the list so that you don’t get any further promotional offers or advertisements. Also due to the clutter now , direct marketing is losing its effect as consumer are reluctant to pay attention to similar offers and ads by many new similar
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Florida V Riley Case Brief Essay Example for Free
Florida V Riley Case Brief Essay Legal Citation: 488 U. S. 445, 109 S. Ct. 693, 102 L. Ed. 2d. 835 (1989) Procedural History: The respondent, Michael A. Riley, was charged with possession of marijuana under Florida law. The trail court granted his motion to suppress; the Court of Appeals reversed but certified the case to the Florida Supreme Court, which rejected the decision of the Court of Appeals and reinstated the trail court’s suppression order. The Supreme Court granted a writ of certiorari for Florida to review the decision of the Supreme Court of Florida. Question: Is surveillance of the interior of the partially covered greenhouse in a residential backyard from a vantage point of a helicopter located 400 feet above the greenhouse constitutes as a ‘search,’ for which a warrant is required under the Fourth Amendment and Article I, Section 12 of Florida Constitution? Facts: In this case, the Pasco County Sheriff’s office received an anonymous tip that marijuana was being grown on the respondent’s property. When the investigating officer discovered that he was not able to see the contents of the green house by the road. All he was able to see was a wire fence surrounding the mobile home and the greenhouse with a â€Å"DO NOT ENTER†sign posted on the property. He then circled twice over the respondent’s property in a helicopter at the height of 400 feet. With his naked eye, he was able to see through the openings in the roof, since there had been two missing panels, and identify what he thought was marijuana growing in the structure. A warrant was later obtained based on these observations, continuing the search revealed marijuana growing in the greenhouse. Which lead, the respondent, Michael A. Riley, to be charged with possession of marijuana under the Florida law. Decision: No. The surveillance of the interior of the partially covered greenhouse in a residential backyard from a vantage point of a helicopter located 400 feet above the greenhouse does not constitutes as a ‘search’ for which a warrant is required under the Fourth Amendment and Article I, Section 12 of Florida Constitution because helicopters are not bound by the lower limits of navigable airspace allowed to other aircrafts. Any member of the public could have legally have been flying over Riley’s property in a helicopter at the altitude of 400 feet and could have observed Riley’s greenhouse. Nothing implied that the helicopter interfered with respondent’s normal use of the greenhouse or the other parts of the curtilage. Therefore, the police did not violate his Fourth Amendment, right to privacy. Judgment: Reversed Principle of Law: The reason the court reserved the decision of the Supreme Court of Florida is because there is nothing in the records that suggest the helicopters flying at 400 feet are sufficiently rare in this country to lead substance to respondents claim that he reasonably anticipated that his greenhouse would not be subject to observation from that altitude.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Womens Real Life Problems in Thelma and Louise and Shirley Valentine E
Women's Real Life Problems in Thelma and Louise and Shirley Valentine Throughout the history of film actresses have always received the worst roles in which to portray women. Women are often featured as lovers or prostitutes, backstage roles that support the power and domination of men. Hollywood has always been dominated and ‘run’ by the influence of male actors and directors. Statistics have shown that 71% of male actors are given major roles compared to women who receive only 29% of centre stage roles. Thelma and Louise and Shirley are two films, which change that. They portray woman in a positive role, showing them in a positive light against male oppression. Although Shirley Valentine is a British film and Thelma and Louise is American, both films still show women facing the prejudice of society in the 20th century. In this way women viewers can relate to the films believing them to show the difficulties women face in life, the loss of women’s individuality due to the domination of their husbands and their experiences of sexism and prejudice in modern day society. There are many similarities as well as differences in both films and the storylines are varied, yet both films still feature woman who overcome the typical stereotype that they are nothing but sexual objects for men to abuse. Thelma and Louise a road film featuring two women who are trying to run away from the law because Louise has shot a man who was trying to rape Thelma. Throughout their journey they go on a quest of self-discovery realising the mistakes they have made in life and finding their true identity among the ravages their partners have made ... ... were losing. Therefore I believe both films are successful in presenting stories from a women’s viewpoint on the real life problems women face. Both films are realistic and can be compared to the lives of many women in the same situations. These films allow women to relate to the characters and experience emotions on issues that they have faced throughout history such as rape and sexism. They allow women to feel a sense of hope and to make them understand that they are individuals who must fulfil their dreams. Shirley Valentine and Thelma and Louise allow women to overcome stereotypical images of ‘housewives’ and ‘sex objects’ and present women as strong with their own individual characters. In this way both films are successful in showing the problems and issues women face and overcome from a female perspective.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Case Treetop Forest Products Essay
Identification (20%) Facts, assumptions and problem identification Building-grade lumber industry is competitive and product being sold is not differential; only differentiation is due to product packaging and presentation. Product packaging is biggest factor when buyers are making a purchasing decision between buying from Treetop or competitors. Over the last 2 years, Treetop has declined in ratings for package of lumber products as a result lost customers to competitors . Treetop has six departments: boom, sawmill, planer, packaging, shipping, and maintenance. All other departments have a supervisor; however, packaging department does not have one designated supervisor. Possible solution is to convert one of the workers to supervisor, or dedicate a supervisor 100% of the time to packaging To solve the issue supervisor from sawmill and planer deparments cover the shifts. Due to distance between sawmill and planing divisions, the supervisors are unable given full attention to the operations of the packaging division. (assumption) Distance cause the supervisor to visit the departments not as often as they should. Productivity in 3 divisions remained constant, Sawmill and planing division productivity increased; however, productivity decreased in packaging department and caused the following: Stockpile up Risk of damaged stock increased the inventory cost Cost Competitiveness suffered due to management placing additional employees from other divisions to solve the backlog issue faced by packaging department. Packaging department run two shifts – morning and afternoon Productivity level of afternoon shifts is less than morning shift employees Reason behind the decreased in productivity level in the department is due to following: Employees takes extended lunch and coffee breaks Leave few min early, specially afternoon shift Reallocation of temporary employees from different productive departments also follow the same practise after being in the packaging department for few days. Based on the case facts, organizational effectiveness and productivity is being effected by the in place practises of Packaging Department. Following two major problems should be resolved to overcome the issues faced by Treetop: Packaging department’s employees are effecting the working habits of other department employees. Department wide meeting communicating the company values, performance issues of packaging department, statististics proving decline in packaging, and initiatives to stop extended lunches, coffee breaks, leaving few minutes early especially in afternoon shift Produce daily backlog reports showing increase in backlog and spoilage statistics. Use negative consequences (firing), within union contract. and positive rewards based on production and quality targets being met. Methods and implementation of rewards can be determined by using Nominal Group Technique (variation of brain storming)- 1)silently and independently document their ideas, 2)collectively describe ideas to other team members without critique, and 3)silently ad independently evaluate the ideas presented Packaging division does not have a supervisor to oversee the operation on daily bases. This needs to change immediately. If costs can’t be justified, perhaps  ½ time position added, that also is in production the other half , or Bal Resolving the issues The packaging department is mostly at fault for majority of the Treetop Forest Productions Ltd recent decline of organisational success, not only are the packaging employees at fault, but also management for not monitoring the situation more effectively. It’s vital for Treetop Forest Products to improve and maintain their competitive edge within the building grade timber industry to ensure future success of the organisation. If solutions are not implemented immediately, the success of the organisation will continue to decline, placing Treetop Forest Productions Ltd in an unfavourable position where recovery may be implausible. Tackling the major issues illustrated within the packaging department will commence a strong positive path towards the future success of the organisation, placing them in a competitive position once again. There are possible solutions that can assist with effectively and efficiently dealing with this issue. Firstly, supervision and leadership needs a major improvement within the packaging sector. As illustrated within all other fully supervised departments, work is completed efficiently and to a high quality standard. By providing packaging employees with the same supervision and leadership, near guarantees a positive change within the packaging department. Employing a leader with a with a transformational approach to leadership concerned with emotions, values, ethics, standards and long term goals will help to improve the work ethic within the packaging department. A supervisor with transformational leadership involves an exceptional form of influence that moves followers to accomplish more that what is usually expected of them. Furthermore, by introducing a new leader, costs will decrease due to supervised workers and the decrease of overtime; it can be implemented quickly, improv e productivity and increase the equity of work. As also explained within the issues of the packaging department, there is a lack of employee motivation. This is demonstrated through the low quality of work produced, longer breaks and early finishing times. Its important for managers to understand that each and every individual employee will have a set of drives, needs, decisions and behaviours to be motivated. By following the below diagram, Treetop Forest Products managers can use this to understand different emotional responses and resulting needs in the same situation. promote group cohesiveness and a pleasant working environment. In the short term, upper management could host a meeting or assembly between all departments to make them feel interrelated and important to the company. This could be a great motivation for the employees. In the long term, group evaluations could be necessary to measure the group’s performance and to see if the actions taken are resolving the problems. supervisor of the department. Learned Needs Theory: The Learned Needs Theory has three â€Å"learned needs†that can be defined as the â€Å"Need for Achievement†, â€Å"Need for Power†, and the â€Å"Need for Affiliation†. A need is amplified or suppressed through self-concept, social norms, and past experiences (Internet Center for Management and Business Administration, Inc., 2002), although needs can also be learned through training whether it be strengthening or weakening the need. The members of the packaging department could have been more aware of their needs whether it is affiliation, power, or achievement and if they were more aware of what was there, there could have been more motivation on the part of the members to excel. Also, with the appointment of an actual supervisor, instead of taking them from other departments, it could have ensured that these needs be amplified through some forms of friendly competition or rewards. The â€Å"Need for Power†is stated as the need to make an impact on others, influence others, change people or events, and make a difference in life. If this need was taught to the members of the packaging department by the supervisors of the other departments, there could be a chance someone internally would strive so much for the need of power that he or she would emerge as the leader in a department with a declining productivity level. Having the ability to control others is a very powerful characteristic which everyone strives for internally, so if this need was brought forward by executives there would be an increase in competition and drive between the members to claim that position of hierarchy in the department. The â€Å"Need for Achievement†is the need and desire for excellence, competition, challenging goals, and overcoming difficulties. With the simple action as a reward put forth throughout the company internally that the employees of each section could enjoy, it could ignite an employee’s need for achievement and desire for excellence which in turn could ignite the competition in every employee to achieve success like his or her fellow employee has. People strive for recognition and success and if this need was amplified in the employees who have made it clear that they want to enjoy the benefits that come from a high productivity level, and brought out of those who believe that they don’t need success, Treetop Forest Products could internally enjoy success of their own making their business profit at its maximum rate. The â€Å"Need for Affiliation†is defined as the need for individuals maintain close, intimate relationships, or approval of other people. If Treetop Forest Products could bring out this need in the packaging department by showing them how the other departments in the company get along which in turn brings the productivity level up within the department. Although, the employees of the packaging do well of getting along with each other by performing bad habits such as leaving early or extending their breaks, if that could be transformed through the training of good habits such as exceeding expected productivity levels and working hard, the affiliation that is present now could be that much stronger and emphasized in the department. Also, in addition to affiliation within the department, there is also the possibility with the rise of productivity level and affiliation within the The team has strong cohesion, but needs to be turned around. (employees transferred are confor ming to the team norms of lack of punctuality)†Norms are the informal rules and shared expectations that groups establish to regulate the bahavour of their members.†Padge 225 chapter 8 Canadian Org Behaviour . It has to be set as a rethink to the department and communicating the new norms and aligning the norms with the company goals and objectives is critical. Through these simple needs that can be taught or learned, Treetop Forest Products could experience not only success from their five already successful departments but from the packaging department as well. If amplified the packaging department would benefit from the affiliation they would gain from the other departments, the power that employees could possibly gain with the increase of productivity via promotions or recognition, and the rewards that the employees of the packaging could gain through increased productivity levels. If Treetop Forest Products were to implicate these two simple theories there is a possibility that the packaging department would no longer be a harmful unit but instead an asset that Treetop can rely on. Through the Situational Leadership Theory, Treetop has the opportunity to find a leader that can adapt to the group and individuals and convert the now declining productivity level of the packaging department to an increasing level of productivity like the f ive other departments in the company. With the Learned Needs Theory, Treetop has the ability to install the needs for achievement, power, and affiliation to the packaging department to encourage friendly competition between the employees while still steadily increasing the productivity levels of the department. Conclusion: Treetop Forest Products and Westboard Co have been suffering the consequences of the lackluster performance from their packaging department since there is no authority figure to keep the employees on task and working hard to produce sellable products for Westboard. With the packaging department not having their own supervisor, Treetop has appointed the supervisors of the sawmill and planing department as the supervisors of the packaging department during their shifts. With the packaging department being in a different location then the sawmill and planing department, it has caused the supervisors to make the packaging department an afterthought and with the productivity levels of the packaging department decreasing it has shown. After evaluating the case of Treetop Forest Product and the issues with their packaging department, they have been using the Contingency Theory which states that there is no one best way of leading and that a leadership style that is effective in some situations may not be successful in others and that while a leader may be very effective at one place and point in time may become unsuccessful either when transplanted to another situation or when factors around t hem change. This was clear in the case of Treetop Forest Product’s case because although the leaders were very effective with their own departments, increasing the productivity levels of their respective departments, when transferred over to the packaging department their effectiveness did not follow. Each leader has their own key characteristics that play a major part in how they lead, whether it is their personality, drive, emotional intelligence, self-concept, etc. so what may be high and effective in one leader and his or her department may not be high and effective in a different department’s leader. Since the sawmill and planing departments were so successful when implanted into a failing department, the situation as well as the effectiveness of the leader changed. Instead of the Contingency Theory, there were others that if Treetop were to implement it could have made the productivity level of the packaging department go up while creating a better atmosphere within the company. If Treetop were to take the leader who was most able to conform his or her leadership style to that of the packaging department instead of just taking the top two departments supervisors without considering the important variables such as distance and drive, Treetop could have improved the situation within the packaging department. With these simple changes to the company, Treetop could have quite easily changed the atmosphere and effectiveness of the packaging department to better the profits and trust gained from Westboard. If Treetop were to dedicate an individual supervisor based on performance and authoritative qualities within the department instead of having an external employee take on the responsibility of turning the packaging department around, the chances of increasing the productivity level of the packaging department would increase which would not only benefit the department but Treetop Forest Products and Westboard Co. respectively.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Experience of Conflict Management Free Essay Example, 2000 words
According to Bacal (1999), it is important to understand the emotional involvement of the avoidance response in future conflicts. If a conflict is responded with avoidance, it is not resolved, but just pushed underneath the rug. It is bound to surface again with the energy of suppressed feelings and emotions associated with it. Culbertson (2001) has identified the drawbacks of the flight response to conflict situations. These include inappropriate decision making by default and worsening of conflict due to delay in resolution of the matter. The impact of my flight approach to the conflict with Bruno has had both the effects identified by Culbertson (2001). Many inappropriate decisions were taken about the task due to my compromising behavior and the situation worsened for me with time, I am uncomfortable in all joint ventures ever since. Another incident I d like to share is when I was late in submitting my assignment due to late receipt of a file that had to be submitted to me by a colleague and my boss Teresa was not happy about it. What s more, she was angry at me. I went to her office and said: I am sorry Teresa but I wasn t able to complete the assignment because She cut my sentence at this point and said: Tell me something new Grant. When have you submitted in time? We will write a custom essay sample on Experience of Conflict Management or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page
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