Does Each Body Paragraph Of An Essay Need To Tell The Topic Of The Paragraph
Friday, December 27, 2019
Interpersonal Psychology Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Interpersonal Psychotherapy Intervention Overview Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) was developed in the 1970 s by Gerald Klerman, Myrna Weissman, and Eugene Paykel. Initially, IPT was the control treatment while investigating the effectiveness of antidepressants and found the treatment comparably effective to medications and as credible as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) (Robertson, Rushton, Wurm, 2008). According to Mechanism of Change in Interpersonal therapy (Lipsitz Markowitz, 2013) IPT was utilized in conjunction with medications to treat depression then onto try and treat other types of disorders such as bipolar, anxiety, bulimia, post traumatic stress disorder to reduce psychiatric symptoms in adults and adolescents.†¦show more content†¦According to the Social Learning Theory, thoughts and emotions are best understood in the context of behaviors associated with cognition or cognitive processes, and the extent to which individuals adapt and respond to different stimuli and make self judgments (Hepworth, Roone y, Rooney, Strom-Gottfried, 2017, 2013, p. 392). An individual learns throughout their lifespan of what their environment teaches them and influences their thought process towards themselves and life in general. An individual could have a negative response based upon how they cognitive feel about who they are and what they are able to accomplish. Intervention Strategies Important concepts, principles, and/or value tenants associated with Interpersonal Psychotherapy is that the goal is to alleviate depressive symptoms, improve the interpersonal functioning by working through problems relating to change, loss, conflicts in relationships and to assist individuals to connect to positive supports. IPT involves working with individuals whom are symptomatic due to interpersonal dysfunctions (Ravitz, McBride, Maunder, 2011). There are commonalities in all models of cognitive interventions making interventions brief and cost effective, focused on identifying specific problems through questioning, observing, gathering historical information. Another commonality is that the member will identify the problem and will work with the member to takeShow MoreRelatedBehavioral Therapy And Interpersonal -social Rhythm Therapy909 Words  | 4 Pagesmood disorders which belongs in the category of clinical syndromes in the classification of disorders (Weiten 605). Although the cause is not yet clear, it has many symptoms and two of the therapies that are used to treat bipolar disorder are Cognitive-behavioral therapy and Interpersonal -social rhythm therapy. Although there is an ample amount of information to learn about the bipolar disorder some of the most general points are who it’s mainly found in, its causes, and its symptoms. Unlike otherRead MoreThe Integration of Interpersonal Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy2247 Words  | 9 PagesIntroduction Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) is a short-term psychotherapy that was developed by Myrna Weissman and Gerald Klerman in the 1980’s. 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Lastly, and probably the most severe sign is that of suicidal thoughts (King and Vidorek, 2012). Treatments for depression among children vary including antidepressants, behavioral activation, cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, and depression prevention methods. Anti-depressants most described include Flueoxitine or other serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Studies show that drugs like Prozac, a Flueoxitine has been successful in treating depressionRead MoreThe Effectiveness Of Cbt Versus Ipt During The Treatment Of Severe Depression Essay1192 Words  | 5 Pages2011). Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) and cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) are the two primary psychotherapeutic interventions recommended in the treatment of depression. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Music Is A Form Of Art In Which People Paint Pictures With
Music is a form of art in which people paint pictures with their words and instruments. On April 19th I attended an amazing performance at Prince George’s Community college that was a prime example of this. The piano concert was a duet performed by Josiah Stocker and Hyeeum Hahm. They performed Vif, Modere and Brasileira by Darius Milhaud; Hoe-down, and Saturday Night Waltz by Aaron Copland; and VII. Waltz, V Rag, and VIII. A la Turk by Dave Brubeck. They played each piece beautifully but the enjoyed the most was VII. Waltz by Dave Brubeck which will be the topic of this report. For this concert the only instrument played were pianos. As stated before they were played by Josiah Stocker and Hyeeum Hahm. Because of the lack of vocals, I†¦show more content†¦There was variety in the notes and the pitch throughout the music. The song had a dynamic of mezzo forte because the song didn’t get very loud but it wasn’t soft. The timber was resonant and clear. The song had a quintuple meter with a steady beat. There were a few accents but no syncopation. The tempo was on the allegretto tempo. Some of the musical components that can be found in VII. Waltz are melody, harmony, and musical texture. The melody did have some part when it was legato while other parts were staccato. The while the harmony did contain a couple of dissonance chords overall it was consonance. I believe the piece contained a both a triad and a broken chord. Because the two piano where playing two different parts what competed at times the musical texture was polyphonic but was homophonic at times. The way in which both pianists played it was phenomenal. I could tell they practiced and were very comfortable with what they were playing and the pianos. There were also very in sync with each other. I am not a musician but from what I could hear they were always playing what they needed to at the right time. Playing in a duet I believe would be more difficult because if you mess up you can throw the other pianist off but I don’t think that happened. Each piece, especially VII. Waltz was played seam lessly. Both players seemed very skilled and confident. In both of the people’s cases, they didn’t have to look at the keys when playing, just at theShow MoreRelatedArts in Culture1509 Words  | 7 PagesArts in Culture Art is about ideas and representing them into visible perceptions and concepts. These ideas come from the heart and mind of the individual artist, putting all the talent they have into the artwork. In a way, that makes everyone that can specialize in a certain activity and create their expressions an artist. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Income Tax Accounts Government Revenue
Question: Describe about the Income Tax Accounts for Government Revenue. Answer: Section one Introduction According to (TaxPolicyDivision, 2016) Income tax accounts for about 40% of the Ireland tax collections. This is a significance source of government revenue and a careful scrutiny of the existing tax system should be regularly conducted to establish its soundness. A good tax system is one which complies with the basic tax principles of efficiency and equity. The nature of taxable income has experienced some significant changes over the years in Ireland and around the world which necessitates a review of existing tax systems in order to accommodate the realised changes. Otherwise, governments will end up losing revenues from this untapped sources (Tax policy division, 2016) Due to the changes identified, the minister of finance introduced some key tax measures in his 2017 budget in order to address the pointed issues. The measures were carefully formulated to ensure that tax receivable will increase as a result of tapping into the new sources and at the same time reduce the tax burden on taxpayers. The new tax measures which were introduced in 2017 budget included a reduction in USC tax rates by 0.5% on the first three lower USC tax groups which basically affects the middle and low income earners, an Increase of home carer credit from 1000 to 1100 and Increase in Earned income credit to taxpayers in self-employment from 550 to 950 among other measures (Cahill taxation services, 2016) Section two Discussion of the new tax measures in 2017 budget The tax measures adopted in the budget were to a have favourable tax impacts on various classes of taxpayers who were affected by the measures. It was in line with Social justice of Ireland which was advocating for an efficient tax system which will achieve the required tax take and guarantee a sustainable economic growth .This was to be achieved through reforms in the existing tax system which were considered inefficient. The proposed reforms were incorporated in the 2017 budget and included the following (Social Justice Ireland, 2016). a) Reduction of three lower USC categories charges by 0.5% The minister in 2017 budget reduced the rate of each of the three lower categories of USC by 0.5%. This was in line with the proposed changes to the existing tax system which was considered inefficient according to Ireland justice social system. The 2017 budget was supposed to deal with low levels of living standards which were existing in the country. The existing low levels of standards of living was as a result of recession witnessed by Ireland in prior years. Therefore, by lowering the rates, the living standards of the majority citizens who are low and middle-income taxpayers will increase. This is because they will have more disposable income as a result of paying fewer taxes (Social Justice Ireland, 2016) In addition, the tax measure was meant to reduce the gap between the high earning and low-middle income taxpayers. This was aimed to ensure that there was an equal distribution of wealth among citizens in the country. Also, reduction in USC rates had an effect of encouraging self-employment of citizens which will translate to low unemployment rates as more jobs will be created through the tax savings realised by the reduction of the rates. Another notable impact on the reduction of USC was that Irish immigrants will return back home and contribute largely to the Ireland GDP through doing business and going to formal employment .There was a survey done sometimes back which showed that Irish immigrants were reluctant to return home because of the current tax system which was seen to overburden the taxpayers (Irish Tax Institute, 2016) The tax implications on the income of taxpayers as a result of the measure introduced can be illustrated by comparing the effects on disposable income before the tax measure and after the introduction. By taking a hypothetical case involving taxpayers A B who are married couples and their sources of income are as follows. A is self-employed earning 50000p.a and B is employed earning 40000 p.a., the effects of their income as a result of the tax measure can be established as follows. A B Tax computation Illustration On Tax effects 2016 2017 Gross Income 90,000.00 90,000.00 Less Pension Contribution @ 4.5% p.a 4,050.00 4,050.00 Net Taxable income 85,950.00 85,950.00 Income tax Liability 15,360.00 14,960.00 PRSI 3,600.00 3,600.00 USC 3,536.00 3,081.00 Gross tax liability 22,496.00 21,641.00 Take Home Income 63,454.00 64,309.00 Amount of savings as result of the tax measure 855.00 Tax savings as result of the tax measure 1% Observation Assuming no tax credits was given, it is evident from the comparison of the disposable income above that a reduction in USC tax rates leads to increase in disposable income for the couple A B of 855 in the year 2017 by 1%. b) Increase in Home carer Credit from 1000 to 1100 p.a This is credit given to taxpayers who are taking care of the elderly of age 65 years and above, children and incapacitated persons in their homes. The condition to qualify for the credit is that the taxpayer must be a couple who are assessed as one for tax purposes and are both working(Commissioners, 2016). This is restricted to earnings of 7200 per year. It is given by the government to encourage taxpayers to take care of the qualifying class of persons. The government will save on transfer payments if this class of persons are taken care of by the taxpayers. The overall impact of the credit is that it will increase the disposable income of the taxpayer and at the same time save on government transfer payments(Michael Noonan, 2016) Below is an illustration of the effects of the tax measure using the case of couple A B by comparing the effects on disposable income in years 2016 and 2017 which represents a period before the tax measure and after the measure. Assume the only credit given is carers home credit. A B Tax computation Illustration On Tax effects 2016 2017 Gross Income 90,000.00 90,000.00 Less Pension Contribution @ 4.5% p.a 4,050.00 4,050.00 Net Taxable income 85,950.00 85,950.00 Income tax Liability 15,360.00 14,960.00 PRSI 3,600.00 3,600.00 USC 3,536.00 3,081.00 Gross tax liability 22,496.00 21,641.00 Less Tax Credits Carers Credit - - Net Tax Liability 22,496.00 21,641.00 Take Home Income 63,454.00 64,309.00 Amount of Tax savings as result of the tax measure 855.00 Tax savings as result of the tax measure 1% Observations It is established that the tax measure will not affect taxpayer AB disposable income since there is no change as a result of the measure. This is because AB are not entitled to this type of credit as their yearly earnings are more than 7,200. However, it will affect couples whose earning per year is less than 7,200 p.a and will be expected lounge a tax claim refund with the government each fiscal year. c) Increase in Earned income credit from 550 to 950 Earned income credit is a kind tax credit which applies only to self-employed taxpayers. The increase in this credit will translate to increase in disposable income of the self-employed citizens. This will lead to increase in standards of living for this category of taxpayers since their tax burden will be lowered. The government introduced this credit in an effort to reduce the tax differences between employed taxpayers and the self-employed. Employed taxpayers were entitled to PAYE in addition to other tax credits they qualify for while self-employed taxpayers had no credit equivalent to PAYE hence ended paying more taxes. This was against the principle of equity. In addition, the government introduced this credit to encourage more citizens to venture into self-employment and entrepreneurship which could stir more growth in the economy (Michael Noonan, 2016) Below is an illustration of the effects of the increase in Earned income credit on A B and the overall effects on the three tax measures introduced in 2017 budget. A B Tax computation Illustration On Tax effects 2016 2017 Gross Income 90,000.00 90,000.00 Less Pension Contribution @ 4.5% p.a 4,050.00 4,050.00 Net Taxable income 85,950.00 85,950.00 Income tax Liability 15,360.00 14,960.00 PRSI 3,600.00 3,600.00 USC 3,536.00 3,081.00 Gross tax liability 22,496.00 21,641.00 Less Tax Credits Carers Credit - - Personal Tax credit 3,300.00 3,300.00 PAYE credit 1,650.00 1,650.00 Earned Income Credit 550.00 950.00 Net Tax Liability 16,996.00 15,741.00 Take Home Income 68,954.00 70,209.00 Amount of Tax savings as result of the tax measure 1,255.00 Tax savings as result of the tax measure 2% Section three Conclusion The three tax measures introduced in the 2017 budget will result to the realisation of more disposable income of Irish taxpayers affected. For example, in the case of taxpayer AB, the overall effects of the three tax measures combined is an increase of 2% on their disposable income. This will result in a realisation of government objectives of having a fair tax system which is more productive. Like in this case, more taxpayers will realise more disposable income which will translate to improvement standards of living. Also, citizens will be encouraged to create more jobs through SMEs and to take up formal employment (Department of Finance, 2016). References board, C. I., 2016. Citizens Information Budget 2017. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 October 2016]. CTS, C. t. S., 2016. Income Tax Reform Plan. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 October 2016]. Finance, D. O., 2016. Summary of 2017Budget measures Policy Changes, Dublin: Stationery Office. institute, I. T., 2016. Removing the Paye tax credit - The impact on Ireland's competitiveness. [Online] Available at: tax Tax Policy and Practice Irish Tax Policy [Accessed 16 October 2016]. Ireland, S. J., 2016. Budget Choices, Dublin: Social Justice Ireland. Mr Michael Noonan, T., 2016. Financial Statement of the Minister for Finance. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 October 2016]. Revenue, R. I. t. a., 2016. Home Carer Tax Credit. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 October 2016]. TaxPolicyDivision, 2016. Income Tax Reform Plan 2016, Dublin: Department of Finance.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Ties That Bind, But Not Too Tight free essay sample
On the first official snow day of the New Year, there is a sense of calm that pervades the cold, bitter air of my small Westchester suburb. With eight inches of snow appearing overnight, the schools are closed, and most adults have stayed home, working over the phone or on their laptops. My own parents are typing furiously, the sounds of their fingers hitting their keyboards reverberating across the room. The ancient heater knocks loudly on the walls, creating a rhythm of sorts that’s somehow both irritating and relaxing. I am curled up on the couch re-reading the fifth Harry Potter, still in pajamas despite the clock just striking 2:00 P.M. It is January of my senior year of high school, still a few weeks to go before the freedom of second semester, and there is work to be done. I have papers to write and tests to study for, but that will have to come later, after I find out, for the twelfth or so time, if Harry and his friends have defeated Lord Voldemort. We will write a custom essay sample on The Ties That Bind, But Not Too Tight or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In a few minutes, I will check on the status of the ready-made chocolate chip cookies my parents and I threw into the oven a little while ago. None of us claim to be bakers, but these cookies seem impossible to ruin. Yet sure enough, when I gingerly open the oven, each cookie is attached to its neighbor. â€Å"I guess we put them too close together,†my father says with a shrug of his shoulders, but we laugh and eat the burning-hot cookies anyway, licking the gooey chocolate off our lips. When I go back downstairs, I grab my book and return to the couch, my stomach happily full. After I read a few more chapters, I will do a bit of work, and possibly even please my mother by attempting to organize the chaos that is my room. In a couple of hours, I will go driving with my father through the snow-covered streets. I need to experience driving in bad weather, he says, and I agree, albeit unhappily. Later tonight, I will watch a movie with my parents, maybe Winter’s Bone, one of the last remaining films I need to see before the Oscar nominations are announced. If all goes according to plan, I will barely leave my house all day, and will accomplish next to nothing. It will be perfect. As the only child, my bond with my parents is immensely strong. It has always been the three of us, a family of dark brown hair and pale skin. I am a reader like my mother, a writer like my father. I have my mother’s love for lists and order, my father’s dark sense of humor. Like most teenagers, I often choose the company of my friends over my parents, but unlike many others my age, I’ve never felt the desire to leave home, and my parents, the moment I’m able. We are a team, my parents and I, a threesome who find enjoyment out of watching movies and burning cookies. We are all aware that days like today, lazily spent in each other’s company, are numbered. In seven months time, everything will change, for better or for worse. I will be at college, although the specific school has not yet been decided. Most likely, it will come down to a sprawling, popular upstate university, or a smaller, close-knit school in the city. I have a few months before I’m forced to make a choice, but in the meantime, I waffle between the two. I can easily picture myself at both schools, cheering on the football team at the first or exploring the city streets at the second. They are entirely different schools, but I love them both. I don’t want to have to decide. Wherever I end up next year, I am sure I will be happy. I will join interesting clubs, take challenging classes, and make new friends that will change my life. Most importantly, though, I will be on my own, connected to my parents only by phone and computer. It is a fact that both frightens and excites me; every choice, every action, will be completely my own to make. Of course, my parents will always be an enormous part of my life, but college will change things. I hope I am ready. For now, though, I will push those thoughts aside and enjoy what’s left of the day. There’s a book to read, a movie to watch, and a slightly burnt, misshaped chocolate chip cookie that’s calling my name.
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